Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pool for our County :)

I was in our wonderful Bulk Food Store in Haliburton this morning when I saw a new cookbook available called "Recipes with a Splash". The cookbook is being used as a fundraiser for the County Swimming Pool Initiative (CSPI), with proceeds going towards a market demand feasibility study. The book is available in several locations including the Bulk Food Store, Rails' End Gallery, Wintergreen and Eagle Lake Country Market at a cost of $12.00 each. If you are in the County - please support this VERY worthy cause! The area needs an indoor pool and recreation area. Not only for those who live here now, but for those thinking of settling to the area. It is too easy to get caught up in the now - those with a vision of what Haliburton County should be, and will be in the future know that this pool is needed. If you try to find a community that has an indoor pool that pays for itself, you will be let d0wn. They don't - they are costly and take a great deal of human resources to manage and maintain. The question is, is the cost worth it. In my opinion you cannot go wrong. People's lifestyles are changing - they are more active, eating more healthy, and are more involved in their community. Indoor pools offer a place for exercise programmes, events, therapy, and an outlet for people to "just get out". It affects our physical and mental well-being. As a community, if we are more active, we are a stronger community and a place not only to stay, but to move to. Along with walking and cycling trails, an indoor swimming pool should be part of the "big picture" for our community. It is our future!